Home > December


December 12th, 2014 at 01:38 pm

Seems like December will be the toughest month to budget for. ( At least to start budgeting in ) Between Christmas shopping, traveling to go home, and other expenses that seem to pop up at the end of the year, it definitely feels like my budget is going to be shot. I have tried to set pretty strict limits as to what I am going to spend for each person, and I know this is really a once a year issue, but it does suck to see your savings just start to grow, and know you are going to cut into it some.

Hopefully by this time next year it will not feel like as big of an issue, plus still feels better than in previous years where I had no idea what amount I would spend, or whether or not I had enough for my bills afterwards. * fingers crossed I may get some kind of Christmas bonus, but I know that is not happening*

6 Responses to “December”

  1. scottish girl Says:

    Who do you need to buy for? I'm going to take my mum out for coffee and cake for one of her presents (and therefore delayed a bit but it will be soon) Will you save for Christmas next year? I save 20/month although I will probably increase it next year. Have you bought your tickets home already?

  2. llabruce4 Says:

    Parents, 2 brothers, and girlfriend. I am going to save next year to have something set aside for gifts. Again, not overdoing it, but will probably spend around $200 in travel and gifts, plus a little more with picking up food or things like that. It is about a five hour drive home, so not flying, and it is more about not being able to see the savings continue to grow like they have the last month or so.

  3. Kiki Says:

    I save for Christmas year round by putting $75 into savings each month. This is for gifts, decorations, items I need to make candles and presents. I also save $25 a month into another gifts category for birthdays, weddings, etc.

    I shop year round and purchase when I find something that is perfect for the person.

    December is a hard month!

  4. LizfromtheBronx Says:

    It's definitely challenging to be starting your budgeting in Dec, but think of it this January, you will have an idea of what you need to budget for next December. And you'll have 11 months to plan/incorporate.

  5. LittleMissSplendid Says:

    If you're only shopping for 4 people then clearly you aren't going overboard which is a good thing! If you haven't thought of this already then don't spend money having things all fancy wrapped or buying gift boxes. Most stores give you paper bags with handles (I save them all for this reason) and if they don't have tissue paper already then just use the newspaper or ads that come in your mailbox that are normally "junk." I have been doing this for years and dared anyone to make a smart remark or I'd happily return their gift and put my hard earned money on something else.

  6. llabruce4 Says:

    As a guy, the thought of buying gifts more than a week before Christmas never really crossed my mind, but it probably makes more sense to see a deal and get it then. I definitely think there will be a lot learned from this last month that will carry over to next year

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